I still get butterflies before a photo session, especially when it's for a friend. In this case, not only have I known Tina since our undergrad days, but this session was their first family photo session since becoming a family of four. No pressure, right?! Fortunately, they are such a beautiful family, inside and out.
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It is so cathartic to finish a session like what I had with Trang and her family. Oftentimes, I kick myself after a shoot for missed opportunities but this one felt just right...or at least enough for me to forgive myself (the inner self deprecating artist mentality is very real).
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Since taking an interest in photography, my family can rest assure that they'll forever have a personal photographer to document their lives. While I keep hinting that gratuity is welcomed, I don't think anyone is listening. Jokes aside, I really look forward to taking my sister's annual family photo.
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I honestly don't know how Erica and Dale can handle so much cuteness under one roof. Dakota, Thunder, Lightning, and Rayn are soooo darling. I'm even smitten by their names. More than their looks, what I adore most about the kids are their personalities - their sweetness and politeness is so refreshing. It is testament to what wonderful parents Erica and Dale are.
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Was the perfect setting for my photo session with this beautiful family in their beautiful home. From the moment the kiddos greeted me at the door, I knew this session would be nothing short of spectacular.
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After finishing Baby Sage's session, my clients handed me a bottle of sparkling water and a power bar and, with that, I headed straight for my next appointment with Hollie and Allan for their family holiday shoot.
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