It’s true, I look at the world behind a 35mm frame. Every time I dine at The Cavalier, I see nooks and corners of perfectly positioned images. Like little soldiers, my sister and her family made the trek from the East Bay into the city to fulfill my vision.
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This was my third year photographing Priyanka and her family - and easily my favorite. Although I have to admit that I feel at way after every session with them. Here are their first and second session - which is your favorite?
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Welcome, baby Liam! I feel so special to have photographed you when you were in the womb. Meeting you for the first time this month, you stole my heart by your immediate liking to the camera. You were posing till the last frame. Can't wait to see you again, little man.
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Even in their mischievousness and aversion of the camera, these boys are still so adorable! In home sessions like these are my favorite!
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When asked if I take newborn photos, I often tell people, "No." It's not because I don't but it's because I don't think people will like my less traditional newborn style. There's nothing against posing a baby in a basket but it's just not my aesthetic and it's too hard to explain that I don't do that so I just steer clear of newborn sessions altogether. However, I really miss photographing babies.
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This beautiful family has welcomed their third princess, so, yes, that means Daddy is completely and utterly outnumbered. But it's not so bad to be outnumbered by such beauty and brains, isn't it?
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