...are my favorite combination! Adding to the mix, their Mom is a fashion stylist, so I really couldn't have gone wrong. Yet odds were against me on the day of our shoot. I went to our session location and realized it was closed for a private event. Luckily, I was early, so I called Priyanka and asked her to meet me at the Palace of Fine Arts instead. When we arrived, we discovered the area under the dome was closed for maintenance activity. Argh! Albeit feeling a little ruffled by the surprises, this beautiful and incredibly well put together family immediately put me in the creative zone. They drew such attention that I actually had to fight off tourists to take pictures of my own clients. Not kidding!
Baby Rajshree just turned four months young and was as adorable as could be - she cooperated so well, too (I think she sensed that I couldn't handle another stress)! As for her older brother, Sumer, I hope Mom finally gave him the ice cream that we kept promising (at least 100 times). Let's not forget little Puggy, he was simply happy not to be left out.
PS - We concluded the session just in time for me to screech, "Nooooo," when I saw the meter maid getting ready to issue a parking ticket. Believe it or not, she stopped. Whew!