I used to think the term and concept of a “babymoon” was just another cute pregnancy trend and an excuse travel, but that was fine with me because any excuse to travel is a worthy excuse in my book. Only after taking the trip did I realize it was really a “babymoon” and absolutely necessary for expecting couples.
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Hard to believe I'm turning thirty-three this year...or is it thirty-two? I forget. Seriously, I stopped keeping track after thirty. I've always feared the thirty-something years. I imagined it to be the beginning of the end. The beginning of "old age", which I've oddly felt since my twenties but is now validated when I see grown kids with birth year in the 2000's.
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...and I wouldn't have it any other way! I took my family to Hog Island Oyster farm to celebrate my Mom's birthday. My family are oyster virgins who don't particularly like to eat anything raw. I'm the opposite of that. I've been known to eat a few dozen fresh oysters on my own before. The shocking thing isn't how much I could consume but how fast I'll crave them again.
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Weekend getaways are my mental reset button. Unfortunately, they are never long enough and always leave me craving for more. Not to mention, when your traveling partner is a workaholic, the planning process usually requires strategic negotiation and skillful bargaining tactics to actually make the trip happen.
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I got to visit Toronto for the first time this past winter. Immediately upon landing, I was treated to a Chinese seafood restaurant that served fried Alaskan king crab legs and lobster piled up tower high with crispy garlic chips and fried anchovies. Needless to say, that is how I like to be greeted at the start of a vacation.
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When inspiration calls, you just have to pull over, postpone lunch, and grab the camera. And that was exactly what I did. Dannie and I were on our way to lunch when we saw massive hoards of "Santa Clauses" marching down the streets of SF, spilling out from every corner and every direction.
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I gained a year and 4lbs over my birthday.
Guilty? Very. But, happy? Absolutely!
From SF to So Cal, my love ones sure know that the way to my heart is through my stomach.
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Happy 2nd anniversary to you! Sometimes I forget you are in my life, until you start making your presence known in unwelcoming ways. I'm starting to see traces of you in my reflection, I feel you in my acid reflux, and, for the first time, I understand the agony of lower back pain. Our anniversary. It's a yearly reminder of how much I have to catch up to you.
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I love weekend getaways. Plucking oneself from the mundane and taking a 48-hour break from life is definitely my kind of weekend. Long or short, near or far, there's something exciting about packing up for a trip that doesn't get old. With Tahoe being just a three-hour drive away, I don't know why we don't go as often as we should.
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